If you’re thinking about taking the plunge to freelance, or are currently freelancing and wondering why you ever thought it was a good idea (it happens…), then have a look at this article called 101 Reasons Freelancers Do It Better.
Yes, I know there is no shortage of posts out there along this theme. But I like this one because it scratches just enough below the surface to convince me that it’s not another self-congratulating article written by freelancers for freelancers with the sole purpose of justifying their freelance existence. I also like it because it uses gentle humour to avoid the nah-nah-ne-nah-nah tone adopted by far too many of us who have been foolhardy/brave enough to escape the cubicle. Which is nice 🙂
It looks at the benefits of freelancing under several headings:
Sticking it to the man
Mental health
Physical health
Working conditions
Fun bits
Worth a read, whichever camp you fall into.
It was only on re-reading my post that I detected some not-very-veiled criticism directed towards the freelance community in general, and its attitudes towards our cubicle-dwelling brethren. Am I justified in this? Hmm, something to explore in future posts perhaps.
Blogging is great.